Learn How to Supercharge Your Margins
It was not that long ago that global companies were typically known as the “800-pound gorilla”...massive businesses who were leaders in their industries and household names we would all recognize. But that’s all changed, as Thomas L. Friedman expertly explains in his national bestselling book, ‘The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century.” Even more than the combustible engine, the light bulb, and air conditioning, a computer and an internet connection have changed the world forever.
Converting Big Ideas into Great Innovations — Globally
Case in point: We have a client who has been in the scrap business for over 30 years. Their foray into global trade would be “old school” by today’s standards: exporting goods to international buyers and transporting shipping containers full of scrap material across the globe.
To help them obtain tax incentives, we created an interest charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC) for them. This allows them to do what they do best — find scrap and then find buyers for it — and allows us to do what we do best — dig into their business to unearth ways to supercharge their margins. This couldn’t have been done decades ago, but now it is what is keeping this client competitive.
With MGA, You Get All the Benefits of a Supersized Global Firm
Another client of ours, Proceanic, is headquartered in Houston, Texas, with field offices in Singapore, Malaysia, and, more recently, Brazil. MGA has assisted in the operations of the two Asian corporate entities and has also been a significant help in setting up the Brazilian entity.
One thing Proceanic particularly likes about MGA is that we are quick to tell them when we’re approaching our limitations, but we are then able to draw on other resources when necessary. This is a perfect example of that. We are a proud member firm of PrimeGlobal, an award-winning association of independent accounting and business advisory firms located in more than 100 countries. This membership gives us all the advantages of a supersized global firm, with national and worldwide contacts we can reach out to for resources and expertise when needed.
Have a question about your global operations? Don’t worry. We have trusted resources to get you an answer.
Business Advice for International Businesses: Additional Resources for You
You might find these blog posts of value, where we share our insights on specific topics affecting international businesses. Or, you might like to check out our Knowledge Center for more in-depth resources to help your great business stay ahead of the curve.
At MGA, we take the trust you place in us very seriously.
To help you prosper, grow, and become a leader in your field, we will continue to stay apprised of the ever-changing business and regulatory landscape, nationally and around the world. As international accounting experts you will find us leveraging our knowledge and expertise to your gain — our ultimate goal.
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